Zpět do Nabídky

Plot, Budva, Černá Hora

Popis nemovitosti

The plot is located in the area of Budva, Rezevici, which are located a few steps fr om the monastery of Rezevici: Perazica Do. The plot consists of 7.000 m2 on wh ere it is possible to build detached-standing villas with size of 435 m2 with plots of 450 m2. 14 villas of this type can be built. All communications and connections are near the site. 

One of the historical places of Montenegro is the settlement of Perazica Do. It is 4 km from Petrovac. The history of the city originates in the 60s of the last century. Initially, Perazica Do was a summer holiday village, which consisted of small holiday houses. These houses were not intended for long-term residence, but for seasonal recreation of Yugoslavs of different levels of prosperity. There are a lot of them, and it is almost impossible to find two identical ones, since each of them was built in the styles that their owners held. At the present time, this village is as a tourist town, used as accommodation for locals and tourists. 

This part of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea has a special microclimate, providing more than 200 days of sunshine a year with an average annual temperature of 16.2 °


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Adriatic Real

Realitní kancelář Adriatic Real s.r.o. specializující se na zprostředkování koupě nemovitosti na jadranském pobřeží Chorvatska a Černé Hory.
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